Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Fun!!!

Over Christmas break, we took the kids up north for a day trip of sledding and snow fun. We went to a sledding area outside of Flagstaff, AZ and it snowed on us the entire time! My sister Leslie and her daughter Raegan joined for our cold adventure. This was not only the first time sledding for our boys, but it was the first time seeing snow! It was super fun, the kids all had a blast despite the continuous snowfall. No tears or complaints until we got back into the car and realized how wet and cold they really had become. A change of clothes, heat and some yummy hot chocolate and our "snowmen" were back to themselves! Ethan see these pictures now when we are at home, squeals with laughter and pretends to shiver like he is cold again...I hope this doesn't prevent us from further exploring the world of winter sports, my skis are a little rusty and I am anxious to pull them out. Logan keeps asking, "When are we going again?" It was a great day!

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1 comment:

The Finder's Keepers said...

Very cute pages, V! So glad you guys made time for a day trip to the snow!