Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Countdown to San Fran!

The AZ Babes Crew is in the final countdown to our Nike Women's Half Marathon in San Francisco! We have just about 2 1/2 weeks left before the big race. I am looking forward to the run, the fun, and just getting away with some very wonderful ladies! This is a pic of a few of us just before heading out at 5:30am a few saturdays ago, we look awake and ready to go! And just so you know, we think often about the people we love that are still in their beds sleeping and all cozy in their covers while we are out there running! Do you feel bad for us? Did you notice that it is still dark out? Ah, what crazy fun we have!
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More Ethan...

I take pictures of the kids almost everyday, and sometimes they are just pics of everyday things (we even have two cameras lying around just waiting for me to grab when I need it, I know, very pathetic!) So these are a few snapshots of Ethan in a shirt given to him by his Aunty Shell. And yes, Shelly, before you start asking for one, a picture will be coming to you! It is sometimes hard to get Ethan to look at the camera and really get a good smile, while Logan is a BIG cheeseball and has been since he was born. They are definitely two different boys, but each can just melt my heart in a second!The name 'Little Peanut' is also Aunty's nickname for Ethan since the day that he was born.
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Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Mr. Fix It"

Here are some latest shots of our youngest worker bee in the family. Ethan wanted to put on the tool belt and fill it with ALL the tools and procede to fix his work station and everything else in the house. This was a fun morning just watching him figure all this stuff out, how the tools worked and screwing in the screws and bolts. As you can see from his smile, he was loving every minute of "working". We will just hope he keeps this work ethic into the teeneage years and beyond!
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Parent's Night Out...

This past weekend, we spent a very fun friday evening at the ballpark...with just adults!!! It was so fun to be out with friends, old and new, and be out with Eddie. We ate at Cooperstown, watched the D-Backs win over the Colorado Rockies and got to see the Christian rock band Mercy Me perform live after the game! That is one filled night for us, and we had a blast! Thanks again to my partners in crime and fun, for all the laughter and smiles (and cooperating in the picture department). I hope the administrator and co-blogger approve of the latest post, LOL!!!
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Caught in the Act!

These are sort of ironic pictures taken over the weekend. Eddie thought it was funny that I was "organizing" my scrappbook materials and had taken over part of our living room floor to do so. I did not realize his amusement was being caught on our camera until I turned around. He may not understand the importance of organizing paper, but I know there are a some of you out there that can relate! Lots of people have addictions, mine just happens to be scrappbooking! (Besides, I finally got to put a flower on a page with this new software, the small things bring a smile to my face!)
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Boys truly are Boys!

When they say boys like dirt and mud, I think they must be born with this desire to make all things dirty. They certainly do not learn this skill from their mom, who is constantly trying to tidy up after them and their messes. But I guess the looks and joy on their faces make up for all the clean-up time! Logan just loves to make tunnels in the sand for his monster trucks and Ethan is following right behind him. Actually, being outside is Ethan's favorite thing to do. If he could play outside all day, he would be be the happiest little boy. I can only imagine what our backyard and our boys would look like if they did get to play all day in the sand and mud!
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