Thursday, January 21, 2010

Christmas Eve

I know that Christmas is over and we are all done seeing decorations, presents and trees but...I have a been a little busy with running (I will scrappbook that soon, more details to follow). But I am trying to catch up on the holiday activities. This year was especially fun with Ethan and seeing the magic of Christmas through his eyes. His favorites this year were all the lights, the blow-up figures in the yards, and seeing Santa everywhere...Ho, Ho, HOOOO is what we heard all through December. Logan kept me on top of things this year, making sure we remembered to do all activities we normally do including the decorating the entire house, tree, and outside lights in one day (he wonders why this can't be done in 10 minutes). Ahhh, to be a kid again with their sense of time, truly priceless!!!
These are some pages from our annual Christmas Eve celebration hosted by Shelly and Russ. We look forward to this day every year, they really do a wonderful job making it feel like true Christmas in their home. And the dinner...all I can say is that Shelly puts all Filet to shame! It is incredible, thank you for all your hard work and setting up your home so magically. You are the Best!

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

12K fun run

Here is a quick 7 mile run we did in the middle of December, a nice break in the crazy holiday season!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cookie Time!

Here are the pages I made from our cookie extravaganza...of course with two very great "helpers", there really was only one type of cookie we made, the always-so-yummy sugar cookies. But I call it extravaganza because as many of you know, they take HOURS to create from scratch. But I must say, well worth it! Logan was such an expert baker in the rolling and cutting department. He decided all the shapes and had the greatest fun playing in the flour (some how I think there was a STAR WARS battle going on in the dough and flour too). Ethan was old enough this year to help decorate, he had so much fun playing with frosting and making his own creations. Daddy of course was the artist, making very fancy designs with his cookies. Santa was in for a real treat on Christmas Eve!
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Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year, 2010!!!

I am a little behind on my pages from the holidays, but I will soon have them done to share. We have been having lots of fun with family, tea parties, and even a trip to the snow so stay tuned...I am also in more birthday planning mode as 'STAR WARS' decends upon our home to celebrate Logan's golden birthday, he turns 7 on the 7th of January!!! Where have the last seven years gone? Happy January 1st to everyone, may 2010 be a wonderful year for you and your loved ones!

More Birthday Fun...

We celebrated my mother-in-law's birthday at a very delicious restuarant, Cantina Laredo! She loves mexican food, and this place did not disappoint. I highly recomend their enchiladas, in fact my mouth is watering as I write this just thinking of them. If you are ever in the area...San Tan Village is where it is located, check it out!
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