Thursday, January 21, 2010

Christmas Eve

I know that Christmas is over and we are all done seeing decorations, presents and trees but...I have a been a little busy with running (I will scrappbook that soon, more details to follow). But I am trying to catch up on the holiday activities. This year was especially fun with Ethan and seeing the magic of Christmas through his eyes. His favorites this year were all the lights, the blow-up figures in the yards, and seeing Santa everywhere...Ho, Ho, HOOOO is what we heard all through December. Logan kept me on top of things this year, making sure we remembered to do all activities we normally do including the decorating the entire house, tree, and outside lights in one day (he wonders why this can't be done in 10 minutes). Ahhh, to be a kid again with their sense of time, truly priceless!!!
These are some pages from our annual Christmas Eve celebration hosted by Shelly and Russ. We look forward to this day every year, they really do a wonderful job making it feel like true Christmas in their home. And the dinner...all I can say is that Shelly puts all Filet to shame! It is incredible, thank you for all your hard work and setting up your home so magically. You are the Best!

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