Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Egg Hunt, 2011

We went to THE BEST egg hunt ever this year. It was held on the grounds of a private preschool, and the hunt was opened up to our Chandler MOMS Club. Lots of fun faces, all of Ethan's pals from his daycare were there, and we even ran into my friend Tiffany from work and her two adorable daughters. What a great time everyone had. Ethan especially enjoyed hunting for eggs this year, and then checking out all the loot and candy in the eggs. He was so proud of how many eggs he found, his smile says it all! It really was cute to see them all in action.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Miss Smiley

Here are two pages I quickly made tonight of our very social little girl! She really is all smiles...that is if you are talking, playing, or just paying attention to her. I think she has ALL of us wrapped around her little fingers, and we don't even know it!!! I know the pics on the first page might be a little blurry, but Lauryn was having so much in her bouncer bouncing herself, plus I just love the chunk she is beginning to form on her thighs!!! Aren't they just squeezable? Hopefully I will get some more scrappin done soon, I am not even going to make any excuses or apologize anymore...I just know now that I will never be caught up and "It is what is"! Enjoy!
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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Our Lucky Ladybug

The last full week of school this year, Logan was the "Lucky Ladybug", or as some know it, the Star Student. Basically it is the child's week to shine all about him. We made a big poster with pictures, facts etc. about Mr. Logan and then each day he got to do something special such as bring in a fav treat to share, take his fish to school, show off his big Legos that he built/created. He shared a special Star Wars snack with Yoda Soda and Wookie cookies and Mom even made a guest appearrance to talk with his class about being a nurse. What a fun and special week he had, he has looked forward to this week all year long! I will post some pics from the week too!

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