Thursday, September 29, 2011

Father's Day Celebrations, 2011

My parents were out from California for Father's Day weekend, so we celebrated all the dads with a get together at The Moreno's house. As you can see from the pics, everyone had so much fun. The kiddos LOVE anytime they get to be with their cousins, and swimming is one of their favorites. Ethan especially had a great time with my dad swimming. He spent time working with Ethan without his floaties in the water. You could see the confidence build in Ethan's swimming just in that short amount of time. I know he will be swimming on his own by the end of this summer, way to go Ethan!!! What a special treat for all us to spend time with my Dad, in light of the past events this year has brought. His health is better than ever, and we look forward to many more years and celebrations with him. Happy Father's Day Dad, we love you!!!

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Look Back at Memorial Day...

As the Fall is approaching, we have pumpkins, festivals, halloween, and especially cooler weather on the brain. But as my usual timing is, I am behind on seasons. Still scrapping our summer adventures. Here is a look back at a BBQ our neighbors/friends hosted for Memorial Day. They do such a phenomenal job of organizing many activities for all our little ones...I think we have at least 20 kids with about 6 families. We have a big pot luck, eat, swim, (drink a little), and have lots of fun. This year there was a water balloon toss tournament, tye-dye shirts, swimming, crafts, and even sparklers! Thanks again Drewrys for all the laughs and memories!!!

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Sunday, September 4, 2011


Back in June, we had a very fun week of Vacation Bible School at our church, The Grove. We all had a really great time, especially Ethan. This year was the first time he got to attend so I think he felt very special and "Big" that he got to go and participate in something Logan did. I even volunteered to be a Crew Leader this year, which was truly a neat experience. Lauryn melted the hearts of several people in the nursery, and truly without their help and love, I could not have participated. Logan's Crew leader was a friend of mine from bible study and her son, which was super fun for him. We are STILL singing the songs from that week everytime we are in the car. What many long-lasting memories we made!

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