Friday, March 18, 2011

Lauryn, 2 months

As I scrappbook these two pages, I am astounded at how different Lauryn looks in just a short time (she is currently just about 4 months old) and these pictures were taken two months ago. She just gets cuter and more fun each day as she grows and learns all about the world around her. I know she is not my first child and I have been through these stages before, but it always amazes me to watch them as they figure things out like finding their hands, their ears, their hair, and then grasping at toys etc. My favorite thing right now of course is her smile that just lights up the room. She wholeheartedly smiles right up into her eyes, and that recognition of "oh there is my mommy" just makes my heart melt.
Lauryn has many fun things to wear that have been gifts from some very special people. The giraffe onsies and bow were from some of my co-workers, and Lauryn and I were playing dress up on the changing table. I am still getting used to the "bow thing" so there will be more to come as she gets bigger and more hair! The polka dot dress she is wearing is a gift from a co-worker that bought it for her in Oregon on vacation. She was very excited to give it to her and not only did Lauryn wear it to her very first luncheon but it was her very 1st dress she has worn! We took lots of pics (of course) and she is going to wear this dress for Easter as well. My favorite thing to put on were the bloomers, remember that boys don't wear bloomers, and I look forward to the next time she wears some...maybe they will have ruffles! Oh the fun of having a girl! Thank you again Liz, for the very sweet polka dot dress, Kathleen, the wild onsie and Tiffany, the giraffe bow (and many others too).
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1 comment:

Goesturbo said...

precious! She is simply lovely. :)