Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lauryn's Birth Day!!!

Our sweet little bundle of pink finally arrived early morning on November 30, 2010 at 1:03 am. Miss Lauryn Rachelle Jaffie entered this world like a Star...literally!. Without giving too much scary detail, we had a room FULL of family, nurses, OB and Neonatologist waiting for our little diva's arrival. Throughout Lauryn's 13 hour delivery, she had multiple decelerations in her heart rate while I was patiently lying in bed (in medical terms this means significant drops in the heart rate and there are several categories of decels, some NOT so good as others). It was concerning enough for my nurses and doctor that I signed consents for a C-section procedure ahead of time as soon as I was admited in case we needed to rush down the hallway. A few times the baby's heart rate dropped to 30 and "hung out" there for awhile. My awesome L&D nurses would run into my room and quickly flip me around to reposition me. There was even a little meconium to add to the mix! Needless to say, it was quite an adventure! But she did great immediately after delivery, crying right away and she checked out perfectly (and no emergent c-section required). She weighed 6lbs, 15oz, 21 inches long, and looked just like her brothers, except just with smaller petite features. A 'Total Jaffie Baby', as many friends and family later commented. What a beautiful gift God has given us again, we are so thankful and look forward to the time ahead of what "pink" will bring to our boy-world!

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